Shalor Townzen as Rev. Jacob Scherer
Elizabeth Tumlinson as Sophie Vogel
Kathleen Townzen as Alma Hester Pinchback
Gary Chandler as General Augustus Jones
Billy Kahn as Charles Olaf Nelson
Janet Hollmann as Bettie Wesson Schultz
Cynthia Alley as Ben Henry Davis and Vastene Olier as Lottie Davis
Jim Kearney as Bob Johnson
Tracey Wegenhoft as a guide for the 2019 Tour
Stephen and Karen Cuffle
Shawn Roberts
Carman Weber
Gary Chandler
Donna Pustejovsky
Live Oaks Dead Folks Cast
Phantom of the Cemetery
Roxanne Hartley
Cathy Calhoun Blymyer as Cow Pen Annie
Bill Mosely Returns
Tracey Wegenhoft
Bob Gillespie
Toni Burns
Amber Hollywood Weibold
Ron Lambert
Mary Ann Pickens
Donna Pustejovsky as Tila Haddon with parrot, Polly
Gary Chandler
Lorraine Novosoad
Betty Jo Seifert
Dr. Michael Ridlen
Bill Mosely
Marilyn Wade directs visitors at the Alleyton Cemetery for the Rural Cemetery Tour 2018
Second half of the Rural Cemetery Tour 2018 visits St. Roch's Church Cemetery at Mentz
Randa Simmons speaks to Tracey Wegenhoft about her family buried at the Alleyton Cemetery during the Library Rural Cemetery Tour 2018. (Photo by Vince Leibowitz)