NMLF Directors

Jim Kearney
NMLF President
Jim Kearney is a native of Colorado County; Jim graduated from Columbus High School in 1964. He received his undergraduate degree and a PhD from the University of Texas at Austin where he now teaches. Jim is the author of four books, his most recent being……

Tracey Wegenhoft
NMLF Secretary
Tracey Wegenhoft is a local artist originally from Wichita Falls, Texas but has made Columbus her home for many years. She is a former high school Physics, Chemistry, and AP Biology teacher, and a graduate of Texas A&M University. In addition to her duties with the Foundation,…..

Kenneth Wegenhoft
NMLF Treasurer
Kenneth Wegenhoft was raised on a ranch near Columbus and graduated from Columbus High School. He graduated from Texas A&M in 1967, and later earned his a PhD in Agricultural Economics from Oklahoma State University. He was employed by the LSU AgCenter from 1974 to 2005 as an Agricultural Economist…

Roger Wade
NMLF Trustee
Roger Wade is a frequent user of, and donator of material to, the Nesbitt Memorial Library archives. He is a retired insurance executive and actuary. Raised in Pleasantville, New York he graduated from Brown University with a Bachelor of Science in Applied…

Susan Chandler
Library Director
In 1997, marriage and moving to Fort Bend County changed Susan Chandler’s career direction from teaching to public libraries. She began as a part-time reference assistant at Fort Bend County and moved up the para-professional ladder, eventually becoming the program coordinator for the Wallace-Reader’s Digest…